SkyCity Communications Team
+64 9 363 6000
Pursuant to NZX Listing Rule 3.21.1(b), SkyCity Entertainment Group Limited advises that, effective from 10 August 2020, its Australian registered office has changed.
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Please be advised that the attached announcement has been released on the NZX and ASX: NZX/ASX Announcement - Closing Date for Director Nominations
SkyCity intends to release its financial result for the 12-month period to 30 June 2020 on Thursday 3 September 2020.
Please find attached Disclosure of Directors and Senior Managers relevant interests.
Please read about our Capital Change notice
Please read our ASX Appendix 2A relating to the company's NZ$50 million share placement plan as part of a NZ$230 million equity raising announced on 17 June 2020.
Please read our market release relating to the successful completion of the $50 million share purchase plan announced on 17 June 2020 as part of a $230 million equity raising.
Please find attached Disclosures of Senior Managers' Relevant Interests Notices for a former senior manager and certain current senior managers of SkyCity.
Please read on regarding our Capital Change Notice NZX LR 3.13.1 (Conversion of RSRS under FY18 RSR Plan)
Please find attached a market release relating to the re-opening of Adelaide Casino and the company’s $230 million equity raising announced on 17 June 2020.